Monday, April 20, 2020

An Open Letter Regarding Theft of Medical Supplies by Federal Agents

I have sent this letter to my member of Congress and Senators.  I encourage everyone reading this to do the same, and to pass it on to others.


I am greatly disturbed by media accounts of multiple instances in which federal agents have intervened to confiscate or otherwise prevent delivery of urgently-needed medical supplies and PPE to states and hospitals.

Most recently, New York magazine described this practice thus: "The federal government is choking supply chains to states like it chokes supply chains to Iran and North Korea."  And there can be no doubt that Trump and his corrupt administration are behind it.

I'm no lawyer, and perhaps this activity does not meet the dictionary definition of treason, but I believe that is a fair characterization.  This isn't simple incompetence or neglect, both of which cannot be tolerated in this time of crisis; this is outright malfeasance.  Congress has a duty to shine a light on this corrupt activity, to investigate it, and to demand that the media report it.

I urge you to do all in your power to make this happen.

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