Wednesday, April 8, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 29 - Late Update

It would be a remarkable understatement to say that Trump has handled this crisis poorly.  Yet in spite of everything he's done wrong, and everything he's failed to do right, he still demands praise.  The man is pure ego.

And yet --- he still can't even manage the simplest thing.  Essentially everyone has been screaming at the top of their lungs for WEEKS (if not months) that increased testing is the only way we will ever get a handle on this crisis.  And yet:
Some local officials are disappointed the federal government will end funding for coronavirus testing sites this Friday. In a few places those sites will close as a result. This as criticism continues that not enough testing is available.
I'm sure it would be possible for Trump to mishandle the crisis even more badly than he has so far --- although it's difficult to imagine how he would do that.

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