Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 33

US Tests: 2,805,892
US Cases: 551,826
US Deaths: 21,919
Worldwide Cases: 1,848,503
Worldwide Deaths: 114,185

I'm focusing on the personal side today.  Today was Easter, so Happy Easter to those who celebrate the holiday.  I myself do not.

The day started out pretty crappy.  My kids (19 and 17) spent the night here last night, and because my son likes his room to be cold when he sleeps, he left his windows open last night.  So when I woke up to find it had snowed, I also found his bedroom windows cranked open and covered in snow.  Thank goodness the heat wasn't running to heat up the outside, but of course that meant the house was cold.

After that joy, the kids eventually went back to their mom's house, and I could focus on hosting a 3-hour Zoom meeting that I do for my college divorce and separation support group.  It appears that this will be a regular thing for the duration of the pandemic, though it remains to be seen how well attended it will be.  This is only the second week, and we had a total of 11 participants, which isn't bad, I guess.

In the meantime, my kids (especially my daughter) decided that they enjoyed playing Risk so much yesterday that they invited me to their mom's house to play again tonight, which I did after the Zoom meeting.  I lost --- barely --- and mostly because my kids decided to gang up on me.

But as was the case last two weeks ago, the last time I spent the weekend with my kids, I was able to mostly forget about the pandemic and the grim disaster that is America's response to it.


Speaking of grim disaster, the only news I'll share from the national sphere about the pandemic is this interview with Anthony Fauci on Meet The Press, where he basically acknowledges that Trump screwed up badly, while struggling mightily not to say it:
Asked why the President didn't recommend social distancing guidelines until mid-March -- about three weeks after the nation's top health experts recommended they be put in place -- Fauci said, "You know, Jake, as I have said many times, we look at it from a pure health standpoint. We make a recommendation. Often, the recommendation is taken. Sometimes it's not. But we -- it is what it is. We are where we are right now."

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