Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Things Everyone Knows

So in case you accidentally found yourself looking at my latest blog, you may have wondered about the title.  "Why," you may have asked yourself "has Dave chosen to name his blog 'Things Everyone Knows'?"

Well, partly because the name "Everyone Knows" was already taken.  But more to the point, I learned a great many lessons as a child.  Things like 'play well with others' and 'sharing is important' and 'think about how the other person feels' and stuff like that.  I learned these lessons well, but I made the critical mistake of thinking that everyone learned these lessons as a child.  Clearly some people did not:

Now it goes without saying that as a parent, I have done my best to teach my children these Things Everyone Knows.  And I think they've learned these lessons very well!  You're great, kids!  But there are still other people out there who had to miss that day in school, or had to sit in the back and couldn't read the blackboard, or who are just plain bastards.

Whatever the case, I decided to start blogging again to do what I can to get the message out there.  For example, it is NOT okay to deny someone admission to the U.S., or close down their place of worship, just because they are Muslim.  Really not.  In fact, merely suggesting such a thing seriously is un-American!  I thought everyone knew this, but apparently they do not.

So that's the deal with the name.  I'm not a grandparent yet, and hopefully won't be for several years, but I would really, really like it if when my grandchildren grow up, everyone actually DOES know these things, and lives by them.  Because if they do, this country will be a truly wonderful place.  Trust me.

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