Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Donald Trump's Greatest Hits from the Washington Post

Three days ago, Donald Trump sat down for an interview with the editorial board of the Washington Post.  I haven't read through it myself, but I've heard it's comedy gold.  I've been meaning to go through it to call out the juiciest bits, but now I don't have to.  Kevin Drum has it over at Mother Jones.

There were two other interesting outcomes of this interview.  The first is that on the basis of this interview, the Washington Post editorial board concluded that electing Trump poses a radical risk to the nation.

The second, far less significant, but still telling outcome is that at the end of the interview, Trump hit on/flirted with (depending on one's interpretation) one of the interviewers, Karen Attiah.  Rather interesting for a married presidential candidate with a history of philandering and disrespect toward women.

This is an example of the 'clownish buffoon' Donald Trump, in contrast to the 'scary dictator' Donald Trump we see at other times.

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