Monday, March 14, 2016

Punk Ass Little Thuggery

I love Sarah Palin.  I hate Sarah Palin.  I love her to the extent that she's a human being, and thus deserves to be accorded the same respect and dignity as all human beings.  Other than that, I hate her.  I hate her because she can get up in front of a crowd of Donald Trump supporters, and accuse those who protest Trump's events of 'punk ass little thuggery'.

I'll admit, I haven't been following the circus that is the Trump campaign all that closely, and not all of the clowns are Trump or his followers.  But I believe that up until now, most if not all of the 'thuggery' has originated from the Trump side.  What Palin is actually doing here is heaping scorn on people who disagree with her, ironically while invoking the First Amendment.

But that's not the worst hypocrisy in Ms. Palin's tirade.  The worst part is that the Palin family is practically the dictionary definition of 'punk ass little thuggery'.  And sure, perhaps that's being a bit harsh; if Track really is suffering from PTSD, that's a serious matter.  But that doesn't excuse the rest of the Palin family for their general awfulness.  And if he's suffering so much that he's suicidal, maybe Sarah should be with him, using her considerable resources to get him the help he needs, rather than sticking her face in front of every TV camera she can find.

It says nothing good about Donald Trump that he welcomes the endorsement of someone as awful as Sarah Palin.

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