Friday, March 25, 2016

The Truth Generator

There are lots of Things Everyone Knows (by which I mean, things that are absolutely true, which everyone should know and practice, but which some people unaccountably don't).  I won't be around long enough to document all of them on this blog, but I made an attempt to automate the process.  In fact, it's the first thing I ever wrote on this blog.

I call it the Truth Generator, because it generates over 220,000,000 different statements, each one of which is 100% true.  It's basically just a lot of examples of The Golden Rule which, according to Wikipedia, occurs in some form in nearly every religion and ethical tradition.  It is something, it seems, which everyone in the world can agree on, although many people forget about or overlook it.

It's the Truth Generator I think Jesus would have written, if JavaScript had been available to him.

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