Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Most Horrible People in America

US Tests: 141,663,533
US Cases: 25,697,888
US Deaths: 430,120
Worldwide Cases: 102,741,314
Worldwide Deaths: 2,223,750

I really wish these people would finally get the #TrumpVirus case they so richly deserve, and die, so that the rest of us could continue doing the hard work of rebuilding the country from the disaster of the last four years:
Dodger Stadium’s mass COVID-19 vaccination site was temporarily shut down Saturday afternoon when anti-vaccine and far-right groups descended upon one of the largest vaccination sites in the country, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The LA Times reported that some of the anti-vaccine and far-right groups who showed up at the Dodger Stadium carried signs discrediting the COVID-19 vaccine and shouted at people at urge against getting vaccinated. There were no incidents of violence.

As a precaution, the Los Angeles Fire Department closed the entrance to the stadium for about an hour starting just before 2 p.m. Additionally, several LAPD officers responded to the scene. A spokeswoman for the LAPD told the LA Times that no arrests were made.

A fire department official told the LA Times that the Dodger Stadium vaccination site reopened a few minutes before 3 p.m.

Andrea Garcia, a spokeswoman for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, told the LA Times that no appointments were canceled even with the 55-minute interruption.

German Jaquez, who had been waiting an hour to receive his vaccination when the stadium’s gates were closed, told the LA Times that some of the protesters were spouting false claims of COVID-19 being a myth and unfounded claims that vaccination is dangerous to people in line.

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