Saturday, January 23, 2021

GOP Grifters Love Cameo

Today --- because reasons --- I learned about the web site Cameo.  Apparently, the deal there is that, for a fee, a famous person (or more often, a 'famous' person) will record a personalized video message for you.

Obviously, not ALL famous people (or even 'famous' people) are available through this service.  But they have Hollywood celebrities, athletes --- and even political commentators!

Now, I haven't researched the list of available political commentators thoroughly.  And some of them are political satirists (and number of Trump impersonators, and even one Obama impersonator!).  But of the people on there who I recognize as *actual* political figures --- they are all Republicans.

Tomi Lahren, Corey Lewandowski, Sarah Palin, Gretchen Carlson, OMAROSA (hey, she's the one who chose to put her name ALL CAPS), Jeanine Pirro, Joe Arpaio, Scaramucci, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer and Michael Cohen.

I guess Rod Blagoevich is nominally a Democrat --- but given his epic corruption, and the fact that Trump went out of his way to pardon him, he's really a Republican in spirit.

I view this as anecdotal evidence of something which should be painfully clear after 4 years of Trump --- that Republican politicians are just out for money, and will do almost anything to get it.

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