Friday, January 22, 2021

COVID19 Update --- Hope is Finally on the Way

US Tests: 246,383,689
US Cases: 24,483,676
US Deaths: 404,695
Worldwide Cases: 98,119,590
Worldwide Deaths: 2,104,927

It will be years before we fully understand how badly the Trump administration mishandled the U.S. response to the #TrumpVirus:
Millions of Americans would be getting vaccinated by early 2021, bringing the COVID-19 pandemic to its final end, the Operation Warp Speed official promised.

“We’re on track to deliver hundreds of millions of doses by January 2021,” Paul Mango, the official, told reporters on an Aug. 13 press call. 

The Trump administration, we now know, would fail spectacularly to meet that goal.

Repeatedly, officials passed up chances to use the federal government to get vaccines into the arms of Americans, or to help the states responsible for disseminating the shots finish the so-called “last mile” of distribution — the critical final steps before the vaccines are injected into patients’ arms.

The Biden administration is now confronted with a serious problem: how to pick up the pieces and build a new, federally managed vaccination effort starting, virtually, from scratch.

And since the death total in the U.S. just passed the 400,000 mark recently, it's worth --- once again --- recalling that the U.S. Army estimated that the death total would be 150,000 at most.  And if it did get that bad, it would be a rare 'black swan' event: 

An unclassified briefing document on the novel coronavirus prepared on Feb. 3 by U.S. Army-North projected that “between 80,000 and 150,000 could die.” It framed the projection as a “Black Swan” analysis, meaning an outlier event of extreme consequence but often understood as an unlikely one.

Add to this the MAGA effort to overthrow the government on January 6, and the only logical conclusion is that anyone who still supports Donald Trump or his movement should be forever shunned from polite society, if not imprisoned. 


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