Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Election is Almost Here

No, obviously not the 2020 presidential election, which will hopefully mark the end of Republicans in the White House for a very long time.

And not even the next election for Congress, which will hopefully see Democrats re-take control of the House of Representatives, both to serve as a check on The Stain's legislative priorities, but more important, to initiate meaningful investigations into his misadministration, which he cannot end simply by firing someone.

Those are certainly two elections to look forward to, but we'll have to wait for them.  No, the elections I want to talk about right now are the elections coming up on November 7 in both Virginia and Alabama.

In Virginia, Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam is running to replace term-limited Democrat Terry McAuliffe as Governor.  Democrats currently control only 15 governor's mansions, so it's important to retain all that we have.  But more importantly, every election before November 2018 is seen as a referendum on The Stain's tenure in office so far, and we don't want him to be able to claim victory, do we?  Best of all, Northam appears to be a true progressive who will actually make a better governor than his opponent, former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie, who appears to have decided that his best path to victory is to run the kind of race-baiting campaign which worked so well for The Stain.

(Of course, The Stain actually lost the popular vote, and Virginia has no electoral college so --- let's HOPE this strategy works equally well for Gillespie!)

Depending on your point of view, the more important race may be the race for the Alabama senate seat Jeff Sessions vacated when he became The Stain's Attorney General.  For one thing, a victory by Democrat Doug Jones would put a 49th Democratic vote in the Senate, making it a bit more difficult for Republicans to pass any more of their radical agenda.  Of course, it would be a thumb in the eye of The Stain and Republicans everywhere, electing a Democrat from a state which hasn't sent a Democrat to the Senate since 1990.  Jones appears to be a solid progressive, even coming from Alabama.  But without question the best reason to support Jones is that his opponent, Roy Moore, is a crazy religious zealot who has twice been removed from his seat on the Alabama Supreme Court.

Both races are basically dead heats, so any financial or other support you could give either to Ralph Northam or Doug Jones would be a good investment.  You can support Northam here, and Jones here.  And don't forget that Puerto Rico still needs support in its recovery, too!

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