Wednesday, October 18, 2017


I aim for this to be my final post about flags for a while.

To the casual observer, it would seem that Trump voters are simply insane, and are unable to see the apparent contradiction in these two views that they hold.  It would seem to be a solid reason to vote against all candidates who hold the same beliefs (pretty much all of them Republicans).

But if you look a bit closer, you see that these two views aren't so contradictory as they might appear.

Most of the NFL players protesting are black, and the reason for their protest is systemic oppression of people of color.

The confederacy was a culture which was built entirely upon a foundation of oppression of black people, including the very heart of the confederate economy.

When looked at this way, these two views are completely consistent with one another --- and completely abhorrent.  The Republican party is the face of contemporary racism in America.  And it is more and more the case that racism is the face of the contemporary Republican party.

The Republican party is poison.

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