Sunday, October 1, 2017

Puerto Rico

Eleven days ago, hurricane Maria devastated the island of Puerto Rico.  A massive and immediate response was required; predictably, the response was inadequate:
 I'll let the Crybaby-in-Chief waste time arguing about whether he's getting proper credit for the actions he has (or hasn't) taken, and instead urge everyone reading this to take action themselves, in the form of (you guessed it) making a contribution to one or more aid organizations.

First off --- I'll just say that I'm a bit dismayed that most of the commercials and so forth I've seen on TV are encouraging people to donate to the Red Cross.  Giving money to support Puerto Rico's recovery is great, but there is significant reason to doubt that the Red Cross is a good steward for that money.  Here are several other organizations I would recommend instead:

Please give what you can, and pass it on!

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