Wednesday, September 28, 2022

2022 Midterms: Congressional Bang for Your Buck

 The goal for Democrats in 2022 is twofold:

  1. Keep control of the U.S. House
  2. Gain at least two Senate seats, so they can stop caring what Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema think, end the filibuster, and actually pass legislation that will help the country.

Surprising as it may sound, goal #1 is the tougher challenge.  So with just about six week until the election, I'm making suggestions for where one can donate money to make the biggest impact in retaining control of the House.

The strategy is simple: Target congressional races which could go either way.  After all, it's a waste of money to contribute to a candidate who is 10 points ahead in the polls (or 10 points behind).

So I looked at the analysis of the closest congressional races from three different sources:

Below are the races which are considered either 'Lean Democrat', 'Tossup' or 'Lean Republican' (or similar expressions) by all three.  All three sources give the Republicans the advantage when calculating the base of 'safe' or 'likely' seats, so the Democrats will need to win a fair number of the following races to keep control.

There are 53 names on the list, so obviously it will be a stretch to donate to all of them.  So consider things like: Does the candidate live in a state with a competitive senate or gubernatorial race?  Helping out a House candidate in such a state may help Democratic turnout overall in that state.  Alternatively, you could choose to support the Democrats running against the most odious GOP candidates.

And if you can't support all of them financially, you can help out by writing letters in their state or district to help turn out the vote!

Incumbents are highlighted in BOLD text.  In alphabetical order by state, the candidates are:

And this is just the close House races.  Watch this space for info about close Senate races and gubernatorial races.

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