Sunday, November 13, 2016


A few days ago, someone posted a link to an article in the Washington Post about a Muslim woman who voted for The Stain.  I made the comment that this particular woman is stupid, and provided reasons to support my position (I also added a particular vulgar gerund at one point).  A number of other people chastised me for this, saying that it should be possible for adults to disagree without resorting to name-calling.  And I've seen other people argue that the 'adult' thing to do is for Stain supporters and Clinton supporters to agree to disagree.

While that argument sounds polite and reasonable and all, it's completely wrong.  'Stupid' is the friendliest possible description for Stain voters, which should be obvious to anyone who's been paying attention.  But since there seem to be a lot of people who don't get it, let me remind everyone of a few of the reasons why The Stain is utterly unqualified for the job the Electoral College is about to hand him:

  • He's an enthusiastic supporter of torture, promising to authorize torture "a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding" on suspected terrorists.
  • He's an enthusiastic supporter of the murder of innocent people, if they have a family member who is a suspected terrorist.
  • He wants to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., which is unconstitutional and uncomfortably close to Nazi policies towards Jews and Catholics.
  • He is a self-identified sexual predator.  And as at least 15 different women have stated, The Stain's 'grab em by the p***y' statements aren't just talk; he actually does things like this.
  • Essentially every single security professional, newspaper editor, and politician who knows what the job of president requires has publicly stated that he's not qualified for the job.
If a friend or coworker expressed did any of these first four things, the appropriate response --- at a minimum --- would be to shun the person.  A more appropriate response would be to try to gently explain to them why their attitude/behavior is immoral.  To support or condone those attitudes or behaviors in any way is morally indefensible.

But roughly 60 million people did MORE than just condone these behaviors from The Stain, THEY VOTED FOR HIM TO BE PRESIDENT!!!  Especially considering his complete lack of qualifications for the job, the people who voted for The Stain are 'stupid' at best.  If he actually follows through on any of the first three items, one could argue that they are complicit in war crimes!  This isn't a simple difference of opinion; this is about a moral imperative to speak out against evil.

Now, I have the good fortune not to have any Stain supporters among my friends or family (so far as I know).  So I can't imagine how difficult it must be for someone with a close friend or relative who voted for The Stain.  So I don't fault anyone for the choice they make about how to handle that relationship --- though again, I believe the best choice is to attempt to gently bring that person around to understand just how horrible The Stain is.

At the same time, however, please don't scold me for speaking up.  Someone needs to.  The failure to do so could have profoundly awful consequences.

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