Sunday, November 20, 2016

On Torture: An Open Letter to Mike Pence

Mr. Pence,

Today on Face the Nation, you left open the possibility that the incoming administration will use waterboarding and other forms of torture on prisoners.  You refused to contradict the statements of your profane running-mate that he would approve not only waterboarding, but "more than that", regardless of whether it is effective as an interrogation technique, because "they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing".  Torture is inherently odious and immoral, and so it is exactly what I expect from your profane running-mate, but it is especially so because he is advocating torture of prisoners WHO HAVEN'T BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY WRONG-DOING VIA DUE PROCESS.

Apparently, despite your many years of experience in the House of Representatives, you need an ordinary citizen like me to remind you that torture is illegal under both U.S. and international law, immoral, and unconstitutional.  In January, you will take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, the 8th amendment of which reads:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
The current president, a man who is worth several thousand of you and your profane running-mate, and who is also a professor of constitutional law, understood his obligations under the Constitution, and correctly stated upon taking office:
First, I can say without exception or equivocation that the United States will not torture . . . . America's moral example must be the bedrock and beacon of our global leadership.
Since it seems that you don't understand this, you cannot faithfully carry out the responsibilities of the office for which you have been chosen.  I therefore urge that if you have any shred of honor, you must refuse the office of the Vice-Presidency, and you must persuade your profane running-mate to refuse the office of the Presidency as well.  I have no doubt that you will dismiss this suggestion, as I am sure you and your profane running-mate are both entirely without honor.  I also realize that it would create a constitutional crisis for our country for both the President and Vice-President elect to refuse the oath of office at this point.  However, the crisis it would cause would be far less than the crises we will face if you and your torture-loving crony are allowed to set foot in the White House.

I would further suggest that once you have left politics, that you both search for entry-level jobs in the service industry, possibly working as janitors at a halfway house or a juvenile detention facility.  You might learn some humility and some compassion for others, and whether you do or not, you would be doing more to make America great than you're likely to accomplish leading the government.

(Readers are encouraged to write their own letter to Mr. Pence, and are free to use this letter as a starting point, or copy it in its entirety.  For the next month or two, I would imagine that Mr. Pence can be contacted here.)

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