Friday, June 3, 2016

Paul Ryan and Nikki Haley try to Have it Both Ways

The Republican party in the U.S. is almost completely devoid of politicians with any sense or courage.  I would like to think that Nikki Haley is an exception.  In addition to removing the Confederate flag from the state capitol, this happened yesterday:
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Thursday she wishes Donald Trump communicated differently because bad things result from divisive rhetoric, as evidenced by last June's massacre in Charleston.
The Republican governor said divisive speech motivated Dylann Roof to gun down nine black parishioners at historic Emanuel AME Church. Police have said the white 22-year-old charged with their killings wanted to start a race war.
Wow!  A Republican governor willing to condemn Trump's incendiary rhetoric!  Way to go, Governor Haley!

In an unrelated event, Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan had this to say about Trump's ploy to get judge Gonzalo Curiel to recuse himself from a lawsuit over Trump's scam university:
"The comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind. It's reasoning I don't relate to," Ryan said in the interview, which was highlighted by BuzzFeed. "I completely disagree with the thinking behind that and so he clearly says and does things I don't agree with."
Way to go, Mr. Speaker!

On the other hand, in the same interview, Ryan reiterated that he continues to support Trump for president.  And although Haley's support for Trump has been lukewarm at best, she has acknowledged that she will support him as the Republican nominee.

So although Republican politicians with sense or courage are rare, it appears that Republican politicians willing to put principle over politics are entirely nonexistent.

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