Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump is a Xenophobic Crybaby

What's the title of this blog?  'Things Everyone Knows'.  So I doubt I'm breaking new ground here by pointing out that Trump is a xenophobic crybaby.

But to get into the specifics, everyone knows by now of Trump's infamous promise to build an idiotic wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, even though the number of Mexicans in the U.S. illegally has been steadily declining for nearly a decade.  And everyone also knows that Trump set up a scam university to bilk people out of millions of dollars, and is currently being sued for it.

Naturally, being guilty as hell, the trial isn't going well for Trump.  And so just as naturally, Trump is whining about it:
Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump doubled down Friday on attacking a federal judge for his ethnicity and argued that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel should recuse himself from cases involving scandal-plagued Trump University. . . . “I've had terrible rulings, I've been treated very unfairly. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage,” Trump began. “I’m building a wall. I’m building a wall.”
There's no way to know, of course, but since Curiel is a judge, I'm going to guess that he has better than average common sense.  So I think it's likely that Curiel thinks Trump is a horrible person.  And for all we know, Trump may be right that Curiel opposes both Trump and his plan to build a wall on the Mexican border.

None of which makes a damn bit of difference when it comes to Trump University.  Judges don't recuse themselves just because some party in a case is a scumbag.  If that were the standard for recusal, then precious few cases would ever be tried, and there would effectively be no judicial system in the U.S.  If Curiel had previous business dealings with Trump, or any kind of personal relationship with him, or if a member of his family had been fleeced in the Trump University scam, that would be one thing.

But the simple fact that Curiel MIGHT disagree with Trump politically?  Sorry, Donald.  Stop your whining and take your punishment like a man.  And maybe stop trying to scam people.

Furthermore, if we accept Trump's preposterous claim that Curiel must recuse himself, where does it end?  He can't be judged by a Muslim, or a woman, or anyone who's ever voted for a Democrat, or for any of Trump's 16 primary opponents, or anyone with non-Anglo ancestry, or . . . .

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