Friday, April 8, 2016

Ted Cruz is a Big Hypocrite

Since it seems that Ted Cruz might snatch the GOP nomination away from Trump, we should spend some time explaining why he's just as awful as Trump, and perhaps more so.

Let's start with hypocrisy.  On his campaign website, Cruz proudly proclaims that he's "CHAMPIONING AMERICANS’ RELIGIOUS LIBERTY", insisting that he's "spent his career defending religious liberty. He has fought to protect our First Amendment rights in a number of Supreme Court cases, and as U.S. Senator, he has been a tireless fighter for the right to freely live according to our faith."

Note carefully that when Cruz talks about "our faith" he doesn't mean that he defends the right of all Americans to worship as they choose.  He means that he defends the rights of all Americans who worship "our faith", that is to say Cruz's faith.  The Christian faith.  Others can go to Hell, literally.

Consider the examples he proudly holds up as examples of defending "our faith":

  • As a presidential candidate, Ted Cruz has hosted two national religious liberties rallies and has brought together Christians who have been persecuted for their beliefs . . . .
  • Stood with Kim Davis 'in defense of her right to live in accordance with her faith'.  (Otherwise known as her alleged 'right' to deny same-sex couples their civil right of marriage because of her Christian beliefs.)
  • Defended Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties against Obamacare’s contraception mandate. (Hobby Lobby's owners denying their employees the right to make their own decisions about birth control.  And their claim to running their company on 'Christian values' is widely-regarded as hypocritical.  And Cruz overstates his involvement when he says he 'Defended Hobby Lobby and Conestoga' --- he merely filed a 'Friend of the Court' brief on their behalf.  It's not like he represented them in front of the Supreme Court).
  • Sponsored legislation to grant Meriam Ibrahim and her children permanent legal status in the US so they could swiftly return home after being imprisoned for her Christian faith.
  • Attended prayer rallies for persecuted Christians and has Introduced a resolution that states that President Obama should not meet with Iran until they release American hostages, including (Christian) Pastor Saeed Abedini.
  • Kept the (Christian) cross standing at the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial.
  • Led the way to preserve the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance at the U.S. Supreme Court. (It seems Cruz is inflating his role in this case too by claiming that he 'led the way' on the case.  His name was included among dozens of others in a Writ of Certiorari on the case, which lists Terence Cassidy and Theodore Olsen as lead advocates).
  • Successfully defended the constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument, winning a 5-4 landmark decision before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Supported students’ right to display (Christian) banners containing religious content at school sporting events.
I guess it's just a coincidence that absolutely 100% of the examples Cruz gives of "championing religious liberty" all have to do with championing the Christian faith.

Or maybe not.  Although Cruz is on record saying that he disagrees with Donald Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., he HAS said that U.S. law enforcement should "patrol and secure" Muslim communities.  Not exactly a robust defense of the religious liberty of Muslims, and not really a good idea, either.

And while Cruz doesn't currently advocate for a blanket ban on all Muslims entering the U.S., he does want to ban Syrian Muslim refugees --- while somehow at the same time insisting that Obama is discriminating against Syrian Christian refugees.  Yes, Cruz is a True Believer who thinks that although he can't possibly identify a terrorist trying to enter the country, he can magically distinguish between Muslim and Christian refugees.

I guess it never occurred to him that a Christian might be a terrorist, or that a non-Christian terrorist might lie about his faith.

There's also the curious fact that this champion of religious liberty voted against a (non-binding!) amendment that the U.S. "must not bar individuals from entering into the United States based on their religion."  And, of course, Cruz has made sure his campaign is well-staffed with anti-Muslim wackjobs.

The bottom line is, if you're a Christian, then Ted Cruz will fight for your religious freedom, even to the point of denying freedoms to other people.  If you're NOT a Christian, well --- don't hold your breath.

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