Sunday, April 24, 2016

Authentic Donald Trump

This is really rather remarkable.  Take a look at the last few days:
  • April 20: In celebrating his victory in New York on Tuesday night, Donald Trump took eight minutes to give a structured, succinct speech that contained no cursing, no name-calling, no self-aggrandizing and only limited rambling. He didn't even mention "Crooked Hillary" and he referred to "Lyin' Ted" as "Senator Cruz." He skipped taking questions from the media and, therefore, the opportunity to ridicule individual reporters or dodge their questions.
    This was America's introduction to the new Donald Trump, one who has undergone a rapid transformation this month after hiring a new team of experienced strategists who are determined to lock down the nomination for him. He's tweeting less, staying off the Sunday news shows and even reading from scripts in an effort to appear more presidential.
  • April 21"Oh, we're gonna build the wall." Then he asked the crowd, "Who's gonna pay for it?" After the crowd yelled "Mexico!" in unison, Trump said, "100 percent." --- "Is there anyone more crooked than Hillary Clinton?" --- "Look how fast our police work...They were running him (a protestor) out. Beautiful!" --- "See the media? That is the most dishonest group of human beings." --- "They have these people, they write in magazines. They're idiots. Stupid people who write magazines. They call them elite. Really? Do they have a plane like I do?" --- "My wife is constantly saying, 'Be more presidential.' I don't want to yet. At some point, I'll be so presidential, and you'll be so bored."
  • April 22: Trump’s representatives, including newly recruited senior advisers Paul Manafort and Rick Wiley, met privately with leaders of the Republican National Committee at an oceanside resort hotel where the party is holding a three-day meeting.
    “The part that he’s been playing is now evolving into the part that you’ve been expecting. The negatives will come down, the image is going to change,” Trump senior adviser Paul Manafort assured the party leaders, according to an audiotape of the session heard by Reuters.
  • April 23: A confident Donald Trump told supporters Saturday that he's "not toning it down," a day after his chief adviser assured Republican officials the GOP front-runner will show more restraint on the campaign trail.
    "I'm not toning it down," Trump told a cheering crowd of 3,000 people, packed into a high school gymnasium in Waterbury, Connecticut. "Isn't it nice that I'm not one of these teleprompter guys?"
So in the span of 4 days, Trump has shifted his image from "bully/asshole" Donald Trump, to "presidential" Donald Trump, and back again, and back again, and back again.

I'm so old, I can still remember back to 2004, when "flip-flopping" was supposed to be a bad thing.  But Trump supporters don't seem to care, because he's "authentic" and "tells it like it is".  I'm sure he's not just a con artist willing to tell anyone whatever they want to hear to buy into his con, right?  Right?

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