Friday, May 1, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 52

US Tests: 6,551,810
US Cases: 1,095,681
US Deaths: 59,059
Worldwide Cases: 3,127,126
Worldwide Deaths: 213,792

Data collection is an inexact science, as we can see from observing that the worldwide number of cases somehow dropped from 3,249,667 yesterday to 3,127,126 today.  I'm not sure what to make of this --- perhaps someone somewhere decided that more 100,000 of the cases were false positives?

Whatever the reason, as it currently stands, more than 35% of worldwide COVID19 cases are in the U.S.  Consider that one week ago, the U.S. accounted for only a bit less than 32% of worldwide cases, and one month ago, only ~22.6% of worldwide COVID19 cases involved people in the U.S.  Not only are things still moving in the wrong direction, but the U.S. is clearly falling behind relative to the rest of the world.

Since it's Friday, I'm going to keep this light, in every sense of the word.  By now, I'm sure most people know that when Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, he violated protocol and put everyone at risk by refusing to wear a mask:

Here we see pandemic 'Czar' Mike Pence, no doubt explaining the importance of proper safety precautions to people smarter who are than he is.

Later, his wife Karen explained that the reason Pence didn't wear a mask is that he didn't know it was required --- which seems a bit of a stretch.  As it happens, I work for a health care provider, and my company is very clear about when masks AREN'T required in one of their clinics or hospitals.  Maybe one of these exceptions covers Pence?
  • Does he have trouble breathing?  Probably not, since he's traveling on official business.
  • Is he unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a mask without assistance?  Don't think so.
  • Is he a child under the age of 2?  Well, in certain respects ---
This has been fun.  But of course, we all know the real reason he didn't wear a mask --- because that would have looked like a show weakness in the eyes of his boss.

And let's be honest --- protecting one's image is FAR more important to chuds like Trump and Pence than, you know, protecting public safety.

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