Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Don't Feed the Trolls

We've been through this before, but it seems like a good time for your periodic reminder:

It's about to get really deep out there.  So when wading through social media, remember a few things:
  1. Just because someone says they support Bernie (Biden, Warren, Buttigieg, etc.), don't take them at their word.  Especially if they're a non-verified account you don't know.  They could easily be lying to make that candidate (or their supporters) look bad.
  2. Aside from their standard dirty tricks (voter suppression, etc.), the primary weapon Trump and his team will use to try to win in 2020 is to divide the opposition.  It worked just well enough in 2016 to get him across the finish line; we CANNOT let them do it again.  So be skeptical of any accounts like this one claiming 'Candidate X is corrupt/dishonest/a drug dealer/whatever'.  And no matter what your personal feelings are about the Democratic candidates who aren't your favorite, NEVER reinforce the Trumpian narrative that they're somehow corrupt!
  3. On July 16 next year, the Democrats will select their nominee, and no matter who you personally support, the odds are that it won't be your candidate.  So we all need to be prepared to put our differences aside and fight like hell for 4 months to get that nominee elected, no matter who it turns out to be.
It's bad enough that the Republican noise machine has their own supporters lapping up lies about Democrats.  Don't let them poison the Democratic nomination contest as well.

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