Friday, April 12, 2019

The Case Against Trump Gets Stronger

Imagine that the president wants to implement a radical policy, but his advisers shoot it down, "citing legal, budgetary and optics risks".  Now imagine that, even though he's been told the policy is illegal, he chooses to pursue it anyway.

Finally, imagine that the president's plan is to take people whom he describes as "drug dealers, criminals, rapists" and release them in the cities and congressional districts of his political opponents.

Without attaching names or party identification to this president, would anyone deny that this president is unfit for office, does not respect the rule of law, and is guilty of abuse of power?  In other words, can anyone deny that this president has committed an impeachable offense?

What if that president also ordered law enforcement officers to break the law --- and promised to pardon them for doing so, if necessary?

Add these two impeachable offenses to the non-partisan case against Trump I made less than a week ago.  Not only is it obvious to anyone with a shred of objectivity that he is unfit for office and a danger to our country, it should also be obvious that the country's tilt toward authoritarianism will only worsen the longer he is allowed to remain in office.

Congress needs to act.  Democrats need to stop being afraid of discussing impeachment, and Republicans need to stop being afraid of standing up to Trump.  All 535 members of Congress have a job to do --- it's way past time that they did it.

So remind them.  Repeatedly.

(Also worth noting --- Trump's current behavior clearly shows his contempt for the rule of law, which also clearly demonstrates that both the FBI investigation surrounding his campaign and the Mueller investigation were 100% warranted.  Anyone who argues otherwise is clearly a partisan hack who cares more about tax cuts than the Constitution).

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