Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The 2018 Election Isn't Over Yet

There are still two races where extra dollars might make a difference.

  1. The race for Georgia Secretary of State is headed for a runoff, to be held on December 4.  Do you remember the (now former) Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, and his heavy-handed voter suppression?  Well, here's a chance to put someone in that office who will actually encourage and facilitate voting in the state of Georgia, which can only be good news for any Democrats running in the future (like for the U.S. Senate in 2020).  So please give what you can to the Democratic candidate, John Barrow.
  2. This one is more aspirational than anything --- we're trying to elect a Democrat to the Senate in Mississippi.  In a 4-way race, Mike Espy and his main Republican opponent each totaled about 41% of the vote, and so a runoff election will be held there in about 2 weeks.  There's really no good reason to think that Espy has a chance at this, except that with the country's attention on Georgia and Florida, it doesn't seem like the national parties are focusing much on Mississippi.  Perhaps if we can really turn out the Democrats on November 27, we can pull of the upset!  It's worth a few bucks, anyway.  (Note: Espy's opponent recently made a lynching joke, which can't possibly help her).

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