Sunday, January 7, 2018

Politicizing the Law

Senators Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham have done something which I believe they should resign for:
A pair of GOP senators sent a letter to the Justice Department on Friday urging an investigation into Christopher Steele, the intelligence agent behind that famous dossier from the Russia investigation.

And the whole thing is rather strange.

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As Devlin Barrett and Tom Hamburger note in their piece, that rubs some legal experts the wrong way. One former federal prosecutor, Peter Zeidenberg, called it “nonsense.” He suggested it was a political effort intended to impact the Russia investigation — in which Steele's dossier has become the focus of GOP allegations of improper conduct by federal law enforcement — rather than a serious letter. He said that he had never heard of such a letter being released.
This is a clear attempt to misuse the Justice Department's legal authority to punish and discredit Trump's political opponents.  Of course, Trump himself is doing this, just adding to the running total of his impeachable offenses.  But this is the first malfeasance of this sort to come oozing out of either Grassley or Graham.

The Republican party as a whole has pretty pushed in all of its chips on defending Donald Trump from the rising tide of revelations of indefensible acts.  But 'when you politicize the law, you're putting the country at risk'.

Before clicking the link, can you guess who said that, and the context?

Why, it was none other than former House impeachment manager, and current Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking on the need to impeach president Bill Clinton.

How times have changed.

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