Sunday, December 17, 2017

Our Response to the FOX Attacks on Mueller: Boycott

I don't watch Fox News, because I'm an adult and I have no interest in right-wing propaganda.  However, more and more of the media outlets I DO consume have recently been pointing out a concerted effort by Fox to discredit Robert Mueller and the FBI, and in so doing undermine the investigation into Donald Trump --- perhaps, even, provide a pretext for Trump to fire Mueller and end the investigation altogether.

I'm used to the idea that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican party, and I'm used to the idea that they actively cheer for Republicans and dissemble against Democrats.  But this is a willful and concerted effort to undermine U.S. law enforcement.  It may or may not be illegal, but it is clearly immoral and, in my mind, treason.

Unfortunately, it seems that there is precious little that average Americans can do about it.  I do have two suggestions, however:

1. Boycott Fox's Advertisers
Boycott efforts have been ongoing for some time.  There's a site set up specifically with ways you and I can take action to bring Fox to heel, mostly by telling Fox's advertisers that we plan to boycott them:

My plan is to write to the companies I patronize, and tell them that I'm leaving them if they continue to advertise on Fox after January 1.  Media Matters for America has a similar effort in place, specifically for Sean Hannity's show:

Update: Shortly after posting this, I realized that the 'Fox News Boycott' site has not been updated for some time.  Thus the sponsor list given there is likely out of date.  I have thus far been unable to find a current sponsor list.

2. Get the Facts
I'm fortunate in that I have no friends or family (that I know of) who support Trump OR watch Fox.  But sadly that's not true of everyone.  So for the Trump supporters in your life, here's the truth about the investigation into Trump, and why Fox's attacks on Mueller and the FBI are baseless.

The big 'bombshell' that Fox has which 'proves' the FBI is corrupt is a collection of personal text messages sent between agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page prior to the 2016 election.  The two made several anti-Trump statements, calling him an "idiot" among other things.  Strzok was briefly part of the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia, and so Fox now claims that the entire investigation is tainted.

However, here are some important facts to keep in mind:
  1. FBI agents, like all other Americans, have the right to their political opinions, and to express them in private (remember, these were personal text messages --- the Justice Department only knows about them because they were sent and received on government phones).
  2. Sending these text messages is not illegal or unethical, but it IS unprofessional.  Which is why Robert Mueller removed Strzok from the Russia investigation as soon as he found out about them, back on July 27.
  3. Fox insists that the Russian investigation is a corrupt witch hunt because ONE agent and an FBI lawyer apparently think Trump is an idiot.  But logically, this means that Fox would only accept an investigation as legitimate if 100% of the agents on the case were Trump supporters --- which is clearly absurd.
  4. However, as far as that goes, the FBI is possibly the most Republican agency in the U.S. government.  Far from being a corrupt tool of the Democrats, it is about as highly slanted toward the Republicans as it can be and still be a legitimate law enforcement agency.
  5. Any criticism of Robert Mueller as a partisan operative is ridiculous.  Republicans nearly uniformly applauded his appointment back in May, with even Newt Gingrich saying "His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity."  But now all of a sudden that's changed, because one FBI agent doesn't like Trump --- and Mueller took that agent off the case?
Republican propaganda can't be allowed to derail a legitimate investigation into a president's potential wrongdoing.  Call your Senators and Representatives to tell them you support Robert Mueller.  Get the facts out.  And boycott Fox.

The cost of Fox succeeding could be very high indeed.

Update: Concerned that Trump plans to fire Mueller soon, MoveOn is pre-emptively planning mass protests to occur quickly after the firing happens.  Some people believe Trump will fire Mueller on Friday, December 22, in the hopes that the long Christmas weekend will mute the response.

We can't let that happen.  When Mueller is fired (if he is fired), we must response in large numbers, and in person.  Please find an event in your area, commit to attend, and pass it on.

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