Sunday, July 9, 2017

It's Worth Remembering How We Got Here

I think we've by and large wrapped our minds around the current situation, but I think it's important to remember just how egregious The Stain's presence in the White House is.  Imagine if you went into a coma in January 2015, and were just waking up now.

This is something I whipped out on Facebook a few weeks back, in response to a supporter of The Stain who said he'd never seen anything as 'irrational' as liberals opposed to his Dear Leader.

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You haven't?  Where the hell have you been?  Get this: A corrupt con man with no experience in public office and no clue about how government works ran for president last year.  He lied on a daily basis and insulted reporters, women, blacks, immigrants, the disabled, and BOTH Republicans and Democrats.  He gave speeches which an 8th-grader would have been embarrassed to give, and encouraged his supporters to engage in physical attacks on his opponents and the media.

The main reason this guy gave that he should be president is that he's rich.  But it turns out that he's rich mostly because he inherited his father's real estate empire, which he had mismanaged so badly that he had to declare bankruptcy multiple times and most American banks refused to lend him money any more.

Wait, there's more.  Because about a month before the election, someone released audio of this guy bragging about sexually assaulting women --- and it wasn't just talk, either, because when the audio was released, at least a dozen different women came forward to report that this guy had sexually assaulted THEM (only 11 listed in the link).  Come to find out, this guy had bought the rights to a lot of beauty pageants in part so he could wander into dressing rooms unannounced and leer at the naked or semi-naked women.  Including girls as young as 15.  He also agreed that his own daughter was 'a piece of ass'.

And it turns out that's not all!  He was also embroiled in a lawsuit because he set up a fake 'University' and defrauded thousands of people out of millions of dollars.  He also set up a fake charitable foundation which he used to look like a generous philanthropist, when in reality he didn't contribute any of his own money to it, and used it to, for example, buy a painting of himself which somehow ended up hanging in one of his hotels.

But wait, there's more!  Because this guy ALSO drew the support of a lot of 'alt-right' folks who are either bigoted against Jews and people of color, and some of them are outright neo-Nazis!  In fact, of the handful of newspapers to endorse this guy (over 95% of newspapers endorsed his opponent, including several who had never, ever before endorsed a Democrat), one of them was the newspaper of the KKK!  And another was the National Enquirer!

So of course you're thinking, well OBVIOUSLY this guy lost, right?  Well, yes and no.  His opponent DID get significantly more votes than he did --- nearly 3 million more --- but because of a quirk of the Electoral College, he actually won the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by razor-thin margins, which was enough for him to become president!!!  I know, right?  Totally cray-cray!!!

So, um.  Considering all of that --- and considering everything he's done since taking office (Muslim ban, horribly unqualified cabinet appointments, giving classified information to the Russians and Filipinos, committing obstruction of justice) --- doing everything possible within the law to denounce this man and remove him from office is the only rational course of action.

What's 'irrational' are the people out there who think this guy should continue serving as president.

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