Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Working-Class Whites watch: Day 19

Okay, it turns out that labeling these by day of The Stain's administration was a bad idea.  Anyway, look at The Stain's latest plan to Make America Great (with the full support of Republicans in Congress):
Insurers would have more leeway to vary prices by age, so that premiums for the oldest customers could be 3.49 times as large as those for younger customers. Today, premiums for the old can be only three times as high as premiums for the young, which is what the Affordable Care Act stipulates. According to sources privy to HHS discussions with insurers, officials would argue that since 3.49 “rounds down” to three, the change would still comply with the statute.
Yes, The Stain is eager to make health care more expensive for seniors.  And since the 3:1 ratio is stipulated in law as part of the Affordable Care Act, and since changing the law is tricky, The Stain wants to just wave his hands and make the change using 'rounding'.

Fortunately, this is unlikely to go anywhere, because if the administration actually tries to make this fly, it's likely to be laughed out of court --- even by a Bush- or Reagan-appointed judge.  But still, those Working-Class Whites have to appreciate how The Stain continues to devise exciting and creative ways to take money out of their pockets.

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