Monday, September 12, 2016

Trump Jr and Roger Stone Agree: Yes, We're Deplorable!

Wow.  When Hillary called a big chunk of Trump supporters "a basket of deplorables", I thought it would be a major issue for the rest of the campaign.  Hell, the Trump campaign is already running an ad attacking Clinton for saying it.

But apparently Donald Jr and Trump's long-time confidante Roger Stone didn't get the memo, because they got on social media and sent out an image basically confirming that Clinton is right:

From left to right, that's Roger Stone; former Republican candidate for president and all-around know-nothing neurosurgeon Ben Carson; loudmouth, bully, corrupt New Jersey governor and Trump eunuch Chris Christie; Eric Trump; vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence; Trump; Pepe the Frog; former New York Mayor, 9/11 opportunist and conspiracy theorist Rudy Giuliani; Donald Trump, Jr.; right-wing nutjob and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones; and different right-wing nutjob Milo Yiannopoulos.  At a minimum, Stone, Giuliani, Jones and Yiannopoulos fit Clinton's definition of "deplorable".  And that's not even taking into account Pepe the Frog.

Pepe has been around for more than a decade, but in the last year he has become the unofficial mascot of the white supremacist movement.  Trump Jr. and Stone know this (or damn well should).  Pepe represents the worst America has to offer in bigotry, the neo-Nazi movement, and straight-up racism.  In other words, he represents EXACTLY the kind of people Clinton meant when she talked about "deplorable" Trump supporters.

Understand, this image didn't come from some crazed Clinton supporter trying to do a hatchet job on Trump.  And it didn't come from the Trump campaign, either.  Its origin is unclear.  But what's so damning about it is that Trump Jr. and Roger Stone both EMBRACED it.  Trump Jr said he was "honored" to be in this group, and Stone said he was "proud".  Which proves that Clinton got it exactly right.

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