Saturday, August 27, 2016

Trump Isn't Trying to Win

Trump isn't trying to win.  That should be obvious by now, considering his habit of insulting the media, women, and other prominent Republicans.  In fact, for someone who claims to be a 'uniter' who gets along well with people, the list of people and organizations he's insulted is quite spectacular.  We can also see that he's not trying to win by the way he actively courts the support of known white supremacists.  And the fact that he's now on his third campaign manager.  And the fact that he has essentially no campaign organization or ground game.  And the fact that he only recently started advertising on TV.

You know what Trump IS doing, though?  He's fundraising.  And where is that fundraising money going?  As we noted, it's not going to pay for field offices, or office staff, or to GOTV (get out the vote) operations.  But some of it is going right into Donald Trump's pocket, in the form of rent that the Trump campaign is paying Trump Towers for rent in the office space it's using.  The funny thing is, the campaign is now paying more than four times as much for this office space than it was back in April.

Do you know who profits when Trump Towers raises its rent?  Donald Trump.  If he were running a serious campaign where he cared about winning, he could, maybe, let his campaign use that office space FOR FREE.  But instead, he makes the campaign pay AND raises the rent!

I think I've made it pretty clear that I don't support Trump for president.  But if I did, and if I had donated some of my heard-earned money to a campaign where it seems like he's not even trying to win, and pocketing a bigger and bigger share of each donation, I might consider staying home on election day.  Or voting for the other guy woman.

But you know, that's just me.

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