Sunday, July 17, 2016

Everyone, Please Stop Killing Police Officers

Today in Baton Rouge, a Missouri man named Gavin Long shot and killed three police officers.  This follows the killing of 5 Dallas police officers just a few days ago.

Reports are still sketchy, but at this time, it is being reported that Long was affiliated with an anti-government extremist group called the "New Freedom Group".  The Dallas shooter, Micah Johnson, appeared to be motivated by recent police killings of black men in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis, and appeared to have ties to the New Black Panther movement.

Just to be clear: all killings are wrong.  All killings of police officers are wrong, whether your reasons for killing stem from your opposition to the government or your support for ending racism.

This is something Everyone Knows.  Killing police officers is wrong.  The only question I have is whether politicians on all sides will condemn all such killings equally.

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