Sunday, May 24, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 75

US Tests: 14,163,915
US Cases: 1,634,921
US Deaths: 91,941
Worldwide Cases: 5,383,582
Worldwide Deaths: 343,880

I disagree with Rick Scott, Asa Hutchinson and Mike DeWine on practically everything, but I have to give them credit for being willing to put common sense ahead of party orthodoxy --- at least where life and death is concerned:
Three prominent Republicans bolstered North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s (R) emotional plea to end the “political” divide on mask-wearing requirements during Sunday morning interviews.
Unlike President Trump’s refusal to wear a mask while touring a Ford plant outside of Michigan on Thursday — despite White House staffers being ordered to do so after two aides tested positive for the novel coronavirus earlier this month — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R), Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) are encouraging the public to take precautions such as mask-wearing seriously as states begin easing coronavirus restrictions over Memorial Day weekend.
All three Republicans also expressed the need to reopen the economy while promoting efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that protective measures such as mask-wearing help save lives.  But not only that --- if EVERYONE committed to wearing masks and social distancing, we probably could have opened up the economy long ago.

This isn't just a theory.  A friend of mine from Taiwan just posted on Facebook today that it has been 42 days since a domestic transmission of the disease.  Only 20 people in the country are currently infected, and they're under quarantine --- which means that the other 23 million people can go 'back to normal'.

There are two big differences between Taiwan and the U.S. --- for one thing, there have been no recorded cases of idiots with guns protesting against the wearing of masks and social distancing.  And for another, Taiwan's leaders actually led the nation's response based on public health and science, rather than ranting pointlessly about hydroxychloriquine and suggesting that people should inject bleach into their lungs.

Perhaps there's a lesson there.

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