Monday, May 11, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 62

US Tests: 9,382,235
US Cases: 1,340,412
US Deaths: 75,107
Worldwide Cases: 4,168,247
Worldwide Deaths: 285,690

Do as I say, not as I do.  That's the message from the White House, where they are belatedly taking measures to prevent the spread of COVID19 now that several people within the administration have tested positive:
Most White House officials will be asked to wear masks or face coverings in public spaces on complex grounds, a move to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading further inside the presidential compound, according to three administration officials with knowledge of a directive to be issued Monday.
Not surprisingly, when there's an immediate threat to himself and those around him, Trump demands that appropriate protective measures be enforced.  But in the same way that the gun-worshipping members of the Trump Death Cult insist on carrying their toys everywhere in spite of the fact that the military strictly controls guns on its bases, you can be sure that the requirement to wear a mask in the White House won't prevent more stupid stuff like --- well, like this:
 Dozens of angry Michiganders, fueled by conspiracy theories and disinformation about the coronavirus, are promoting violence and mobilizing armed rallies against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Facebook, in violation of the social media company’s policies.
. . .
Assassinating Whitmer is a common theme among members of the groups. Dozens of people have called for her to be hanged. 
“We need a good old fashioned lynch mob to storm the Capitol, drag her tyrannical ass out onto the street and string her up as our forefathers would have,” John Campbell Sr. wrote in a group called “People of Michigan vs. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer,” which had nearly 9,000 members as of Monday morning. 
Steve Doxsie had the same idea: “Drag that tyrant governor out to the front lawn. Fit her for a noose.” 
“Either President Trump sends in the troops or there is going to be a midnight lynching in Lansing soon,” Michael Smith chimed in. 
Others suggested she be shot, beaten, or beheaded.
They sound nice.

The phone calls are coming from inside the house.  In the past week, the first COVD19 case appeared in my parents' retirement community.  I was a bit confused about how this happened, until they explained to me that one of the residents actually left the community for surgery, and so presumably they contracted it at the hospital.

I've also had two friends in the past week with develop health concerns.  One of them live in Minnesota, and so was actually able to get a test --- which fortunately was negative!  But the other lives in Iowa, and so could not get a test.

Aside from that --- every day is just a grind.

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