Saturday, May 7, 2016

Notice to Trumpites: Bad Things Can Happen When the President is Ignorant

Josh Marshall, who is not given to hyperbole, weighs in on Trump's great idea for reducing our national debt:
Introducing the idea that the US might pay back only a portion of the returns on Treasury bonds would basically disrupt the entire global economy, have massive and traumatic knock-on effects on the US economy and its ability to service its own debt. It would be catastrophic, an entirely self-inflicted wound.
[T]he fact that Trump is proposing it shows that when it comes to macro-economics and global economics Trump is a huge ignoramus who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the US Treasury. It's an amazing suggestion. Not just stupid but something suggested by someone who simply knows nothing about how the economy works.
If love to hear how Trump 'tells it like it is' and 'doesn't care about political correctness', that's great.  But those two qualities aren't enough to make someone a good --- or even adequate --- president.  Contrary to what you may think, a person can't just ascend to the position of leader of the free world, and then figure it out as he goes along.

Knowing things actually matters, and not knowing them can be catastrophic.  Please consider that before you vote for someone who wears his ignorance like a badge of honor.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hillary's First Attack on Trump

Doesn't actually come from Hillary at all.  It comes from many different prominent Republicans: Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio.  I swear, I've never found myself in agreement with so many different Republicans on the same day: