Saturday, September 21, 2024


In past election cycles, I've made an effort to recommend how to get the best bang for your buck in political donations.

If you're among the three people who followed those efforts, you may be wondering why I haven't done so this cycle. The answer is mostly laziness and life getting in the way.

But also! I recently discovered an organization who does a better job of helping you get bang for your buck than I ever could.  It's called Earlyworm, and I just donated the maximum amount to the various worthy organizations on it main page as my wife would allow.

I've also been doing a lot of letter writing for Vote Forward, as usual.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump Campaign Goes Full Fash

Although it's been said many times, many ways, the mask is truly off for the American GOP:

Police in Springfield, Ohio, said Monday they had received no credible reports of immigrants harming pets, contradicting a claim by Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance. 

The senator from Ohio, as well as other Republican lawmakers and several conservative commentators, have in recent days asserted without evidence that the arrival of thousands of immigrants from Haiti had created chaos in Springfield. 

In a post on X, Vance wrote Monday that “people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country.” 

The Springfield Police Division said in a statement that they were aware of the “rumors” and had no information to support them.

This is a tactic authoritarians --- yes, including the Nazis --- have used for years. Dehumanize the most vulnerable and give people reason to despise them. Then claim that only you can solve the problem --- by any means necessary.

If people believe your outlandish claims, they'll support anything you want to do, no matter how monstrous. After all, these immigrants are eating our pets --- and the opposition candidate won't even admit there's a problem!

These fascist lies come just two days after Trump himself made an ominous promise:

At his weekend rally in Wisconsin, Trump brought up his sadistic plan to deport millions of immigrants, and he spun a dizzyingly dishonest tale about immigrants: “In Colorado they’re so brazen they’re taking over sections of the state. And you know, getting them out will be a bloody story . . . ."

I am but a humble software developer. I don't know everything that needs to happen to defeat American fascism. But I know that it starts with everyone who still believes in American democracy, freedom of speech, and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness needs to get to a polling station this November and vote for every candidate with a D next to their name.



Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Team Biden Passed First Gun Safety Legislation in 21st Century

What everyone knows is that a shooter tried to assassinate Donald Trump last weekend.

What was ignored in all of the coverage is that the primary reason people like Thomas Crooks are able to open carry a weapon like the AR-15 is because Republicans like Trump and the GOP have fought tooth and nail to block all gun safety legislation for decades.  Trump himself has proudly proclaimed that as president, he "did nothing" about gun violence.

Trump was afraid to stand up to the NRA, but Biden wasn't. In June 2022, Biden signed the first federal gun safety legislation of the 21st century, after the Uvalde school shootings (Trump has promised to repeal this law if elected):

The legislation, which passed the House 234-193 Friday night following Senate approval Thursday, includes incentives for states to pass so-called red flag laws that allow groups to petition courts to remove weapons from people deemed a threat to themselves or others.

In addition, the bill expands an existing law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse from owning a gun to include dating partners rather than just spouses and former spouses.

It also expands background checks on people between the ages of 18 and 21 seeking to buy a gun.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Team Biden Got it Right in Afghanistan

We all know that Joe Biden is suffering in the polls.  While current polling of the presidential race basically has it as a coin flip between him and Trump, Biden's approval ratings have been under water for some time now.

Pretty much since Biden made the decision to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

That was an unpopular decision, but no doubt the right one.  Charles A. Kupchan of the Council on Foreign Relations writes:

The ineffectiveness and collapse of Afghanistan’s military and governing institutions largely substantiates Biden’s skepticism that US-led efforts to prop up the government in Kabul would ever enable it to stand on its own feet. The international community has spent nearly 20 years, many thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars to do good by Afghanistan – taking down al-Qaeda; beating back the Taliban; supporting, advising, training, and equipping the Afghan military; bolstering governing institutions; and investing in the country’s civil society.

Significant progress was made, but not enough. As the Taliban’s speedy advance has revealed, even two decades of steady support failed to create Afghan institutions capable of holding their own.

That is because the mission was fatally flawed from the outset. It was a fool’s errand to try to turn Afghanistan into a centralized, unitary state. The country’s difficult topography, ethnic complexity, and tribal and local loyalties produce enduring political fragmentation. Its troubled neighborhood and hostility to outside interference make foreign intervention perilous.

Despite what it cost him in political capital, Biden deserves credit for doing the right thing.  Even more so, Biden deserves credit for doing it despite knowing that it would cost him politically --- something that Bush, Trump, and even Obama weren't willing to do:

Instead, the past three administrations have equivocated, or worse. In May of 2003, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that U.S. forces had ended major combat operations in Afghanistan, a claim that he and his field commanders knew was false. In December of 2014, Barack Obama made a similar announcement, announcing that “our combat mission in Afghanistan is ending,” and “the longest war in American history is coming to a responsible conclusion.”

As Craig Whitlock, the author of “The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War”, told an interviewer recently, “Of course, that wasn’t true, either. We still engaged in combat for years to come. Scores of Americans died in combat, and thousands of Afghans did. So there’s this deliberate attempt by different presidents and their administrations to reassure Americans that the war was in hand when it really wasn’t.”

No one is a fan of the Taliban; it would have been great if the U.S. could have swept them aside to make way for democracy in Afghanistan. But wishing doesn't make it so. It was a fool's errand to invade Afghanistan in the first place, and Joe Biden deserves a great deal of credit for having the courage to end it.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Team Biden: Protecting Overtime Pay

It's no exaggeration to say that the Biden administration has done more for the working class than any administration for the past 50 years (or more).  Here's just one example:

Note that these rules are indexed to inflation, so the schedule resets every 3 years.  This means that overtime pay will rise with inflation, unless a future administration (like Trump, if re-elected) rolls back the rule.

Compare this to Trump's Project 2025 plan, which promises to basically eliminate overtime pay, unless you consistently work overtime week after week.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Trump is a Crook, a Clown, and a Fascist

It is, of course, critically important that Trump not be sworn in for a second term as president. The reasons are almost too numerous to list, so I won't bother trying. Instead, I'll leave that task to folks much more eloquent than I:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Team Biden's Crucial Support of Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has dragged on for nearly two and a half years now, and so doesn't get the attention that it once did. The fact that it's no longer considered major news is a good thing --- it means that Putin still doesn't have the victory that he thought would take him mere days --- and Joe Biden deserves a great deal of the credit for it, in at least two ways.

First, Biden made the decision not only to back Ukraine financially, but to share U.S. intelligence with Ukraine, making it easier for Ukrainians to find and destroy Russian military targets:

Information about the location and movements of Russian forces is flowing to Ukraine in real-time, and it includes satellite imagery and reporting gleaned from sensitive U.S. sources, according to U.S. and Ukrainian officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the cooperation.

“The intelligence is very good. It tells us where the Russians are so that we can hit them,” one Ukrainian official said, using his finger to pantomime a bomb falling on its target.

In the early days of the conflict, there was some concern that providing this intelligence put the U.S. at risk of Russian retaliation, but this conspicuously has not happened. It is a key policy measure aiding in the massive damage Ukraine has done to Russia's military.

The other bit of magic the Biden administration managed to pull off was to continue sending aid to Ukraine at all.  This fact, too, has been lost in recent weeks, but for a long time, it appeared that House Republicans would cut off all funding to Ukraine (largely at the behest of Putin's pal and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump).

But in mid-April, Biden managed to get House Speaker Mike Johnson to see reason, allowing an additional $60.8 billion in aid to get sent to Ukraine.

If Trump returns to the White House in January, Ukraine will be lost, strengthening Russia, and making the world a more threatening place for the U.S. and its allies.