Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 18

US Tests: 735,704
US Cases: 118,234
US Deaths: 1,965
Worldwide Cases: 659,367
Worldwide Deaths: 30,652

You may be asking: What happened to the update for Day 17?  Well, I'm pleased to report that I had something better to do yesterday.  Specifically, after a fairly tough day 'at work' (this is, working from home, but working fairly hard), my kids came over and we had a Breaking Bad marathon.

And we had a fairly wonderful day today as well, staying home and not interacting with anyone.  We watched even MORE Breaking Bad, AND we played Clue, AND we played video games.  And for roughly 24 hours now, I haven't thought about the pandemic and its attendant horrors much at all.

And I won't.  I'm taking a break from reality (but not from responsibility!  I wiped down my groceries after I brought them home yesterday; we didn't leave the house today; we're still being responsible), because I desperately need it, and we're fortunate enough that no one in our family is sick yet.

Reality will intrude again soon enough.

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