Sunday, January 19, 2020

Demand a #FairSenateTrial

First, Trump released a damning transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming that it exonerated him.  This is what prompted impeachment hearings in the House.

Those hearings made it clear not only that Trump was demanding that Ukraine announce a bogus investigation into Joe Biden and his son in exchange for $400 million in foreign aid which had already been approved by Congress, but that he and his administration were working to cover it up.  At this point, GOP defenses for Trump have all been laughable, such as:
  • We can't remove such a great president - this is self-evidently absurd
  • Trump's impeachment is unconstitutional - Article II of the Constitution disagrees
  • Trump committed no crime in withholding congressionally-approved funds in exchange for Ukraine's interference in the 2020 election - This sounds reasonable at first blush.  But the truth is that there is a deeply-grounded understanding in western law that non-criminal acts can be impeachable.  And then a few days ago, the Government Accountability Office concluded that Trump's actions were criminal anyway.
Despite the fact that this is an open-and-shut case to anyone who hasn't drunk the Trump Kool-Aid, multiple key players in the Senate have committed to willful ignorance, including most shamefully Lindsey Graham, who was one of Trump's few GOP critics 4 years ago; and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

And McConnell isn't content to remain in ignorance all by himself.  McConnell and most (all?) other Republicans are so afraid of the truth that they don't want to hear witness testimony.  This clearly coordinates nicely with the Trump administration strategy of ignoring all House subpoenas.

The situation was already set up to be a laughable kangaroo court, before Lev Parnas went on the Rachel Maddow show on Wednesday, January 15 and directly implicated Trump in the criminal act.  He also implicated Mike Pence, Attorney General Bill Barr, and Republican congressman Devin Nunes.

In a sane world, Parnas would have been the first witness called by the Senate.  Actually, in a sane world, Mitch McConnell would already have traveled to the White House with Nancy Pelosi to explain to Trump that a vote for his removal is inevitable, and that he should resign immediately for the good of the country.

But of course, there is no honor among thieves, and there is no honor in the Republican party.  They still won't commit to hearing witness testimony, including alleged 'moderates' like Susan Collins of Maine.  Martha McSally of Arizona, who was actually defeated in her Senate race last fall, then appointed to John McCain's vacant seat, displayed Trumplike immaturity when, in response to a reporter's question about witnesses, called him a 'liberal hack' and slammed the door in his face. (Predictably, the Cult of Trump is applauding McSally's temper tantrum).

Obviously, Republicans are cowards who are afraid to cross Trump.  But the main reason they don't want to cross Trump is because they want to keep their seats in the Senate.  If appeals to common sense, the rule of law, or the Constitution were enough to make Republicans do the right thing, they would have done it by now.

So we need to use the only tool we have left: Make it clear to them that pledging allegiance to Trump instead of the country comes with a price.  Specifically, let them know that their cowardice will put money in their opponents' pockets.

Below, I have listed the 22 Republican senators up for re-election this year, and (where known) their Democratic opponents.  I'm urging everyone to donate what they can to these Democrats, and then let the Republicans know that the donations will keep coming unless they demand a #FairSenateTrial.

I have included contact information for the Republicans.  However, since most Senators filter out email from people who don't live in their state, I have also included their Twitter handles, so you can @ them directly.

State Candidates Notes
Alaska Incumbent: (R) - Dan Sullivan
Challenger: (D) - ???
Arizona Incumbent: (R) - Martha McSally
McSally was appointed to John McCain's Senate seat last year after losing an election to Kyrsten Sinema 50.0% to 47.6%, and so faces an uphill battle
Challenger: (D) - Mark Kelly
Arkansas Incumbent: (R) - Tom Cotton
Challenger: (D) - ???
Colorado Incumbent: (R) - Cory Gardner
Hickenlooper is a very popular former governor, so Gardner is likely toast
Challenger: (D) - John Hickenlooper
Georgia Incumbent: (R) - David Perdue
Challenger: (D) - ???
Georgia Incumbent: (R) - Kelly Loeffler
Loeffler was appointed to fill Johnny Isakson's seat, and has been in office less than a month. Georgia has been trending purple, so there's a decent chance of a Dem pickup here
Challenger: (D) - ???
Idaho Incumbent: (R) - Jim Risch
Challenger: (D) - ???
Iowa Incumbent: (R) - Joni Ernst
Challenger: (D) - Theresa Greenfield
Kansas Incumbent: (R) - Pat Roberts
Roberts is retiring --- but still prefers Trump to the Constitution
Challenger: (D) - ???
Kentucky Incumbent: (R) - Mitch McConnell
Challenger: (D) - Amy McGrath
Louisiana Incumbent: (R) - Bill Cassidy
Challenger: (D) - ???
Maine Incumbent: (R) - Susan Collins
Challenger: (D) - Sara Gideon
Mississippi Incumbent: (R) - Cindy Hyde-Smith
This is a rematch of a 2018 special election, where Hyde-Smith defeated Espy 53.6% - 46.4%
Challenger: (D) - Mike Espy
Montana Incumbent: (R) - Steve Daines
Challenger: (D) - ???
Nebraska Incumbent: (R) - Ben Sasse
Challenger: (D) - ???
North Carolina Incumbent: (R) - Thom Tillis
We don't know yet who will challenge Tillis, but ActBlue is taking donations and holding them until the Democratic nominee is determined
Challenger: (D) - ???
Oklahoma Incumbent: (R) - James Inhofe Inhofe might be retiring --- but still prefers Trump to the Constitution
Challenger: (D) - ???
South Carolina Incumbent: (R) - Lindsey Graham
Challenger: (D) - Jaime Harrison
South Dakota Incumbent: (R) - Mike Rounds
Challenger: (D) - ???
Tennessee Incumbent: (R) - Lamar Alexander Alexander is retiring --- but still prefers Trump to the Constitution
Challenger: (D) - ???
Texas Incumbent: (R) - John Cornyn
Challenger: (D) - MJ Hegar
West Virginia Incumbent: (R) - Shelley Moore-Capito
Challenger: (D) - ???
Wyoming Incumbent: (R) - Michael Enzi
Enzi is retiring --- but still prefers Trump to the Constitution
Challenger: (D) - ???

I have made donations to all of the challengers listed here.  I urge you to do the same, and let all of these Republican Senators know that the contributions will continue unless they allow to hear witness testimony and conduct a #FairSenateTrial!

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